You all are expecting a post on nose rings, right? Wrong! Sorry you have to strain your neck to view this one. I am too lazy this morning to go back and fix it. :)

This is a cotton, unbleached prefold (cloth diaper). So thankful we don't have to use safety pins anymore. This purple contraption is called a snappi. :)

We do cloth diapers for a couple of reasons. It's cheaper, of course. We can afford to use disposables, but the way I look at it is this: why in the world would you choose to use your money on diapers, when you can use it on fun stuff! :) We were also sick-to-death of those 9:30pm panic stricken moments of realizing we only had 1 diaper left in the whole house. In our case, we actually had 2 different families donate most of my diaper materials. This has been an enormous blessing, so we're taking advantage of it! Are there days when the kids have explosive poops and I'm wishing I could just throw the whole thing away? Absolutely. But when I don't have to ask Seth for an extra $40 to go restock the diaper basket, it's totally worth it. There are also MAJOR health benefits. I strongly urge you to check out
this article.
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