When you walk into my basement, I have these nice, bi-fold doors.
Behind those doors await mass chaos. I am very happy with every other room in our home, except for this one. It has never been painted, and lacks the storage space we need.
This is where I stash my "extra's". Babe, if you're reading this, I know I just asked you to stop at Walmart for juice. What you don't know is that we already have some, but it's in my "in case the economy collapses or we get a tsnuami" pile, not my "it's available to use right now" pile. Hehehe... The two rubber-maids are full of fabric and crafting supplies. I have high hopes of sewing dresses for our sweet baby girl, but every time I come to the point of having the extra time, I remember that I don't know how to thread the sewing machine! :( Also please note the ridiculously ugly light fixture. Builders grade from Lowe's, I'm sure. You know what's even sad-er? I've had a new chandelier to hang in there for months, but it just hasn't made it's way to it's rightful spot yet. :(
Above the dryer sits the sewing machine, stain spray, detergent, and wads of dryer lint. Lovely, huh? I do believe I see a bottle of Drano in there too. Ironic, because we don't even have a drain in our entire basement. Hmm...
In the creepy crevices between the dryer and the wall sit 4, yes count them FOUR antique wash-boards. Can't wait to get these out of hiding! (you might also notice a broken dressage whip. used during my days of "daddy's money can buy you happiness on a horse")
So my reason for revealing my confession? I'm challenging myself to get this room DONE by the end of the week. Paint, lighting, shelves, organization, and a major cleaning. I'll be sure to post pictures, paint colors, and the cost for the entire "renovation". Can't wait! :)
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