Friday, July 30, 2010
Inviting Controversy
So, this morning I am curious to know where you guys stand. :) The topic is economic collapse. Growing up, we were the family who was preparing for Y2K. Were you? We had friends who moved to a commune in West Virginia, I think, so they wouldn't have to deal with the disaster that awaited. We never went that far, but we had shelves in our basement that held a pretty large amount of pasta and canned beans. :) Of course nothing happened, and I never heard anything else about those friends. But if you YouTube "economic collapse" or "next great depression" or "stockpiling food", there are countless videos to choose from! :) Here's the deal: where do you draw the line between trusting God to provide for your needs and using your brain to prepare for a natural disaster, loss of job, or this gigantic, earth-shattering economic collapse that I am being told will happen in the very near future? I have certain family members who have gone as far as printing off lists from the internet of things that we're supposed to be stockpiling: generators, oil, food, water, medicine, etc. And yet I have other, very close family members who I love and truly respect who are fully supporting us in trying to sell our home and therefore have more bills, larger mortgage, etc. AGH! I am so confused. I'm not judging either party, but we're not really sure what we feel is right. On one hand it's VERY appealing to us to be 100% debt free and grow enough food to live off of for the year. Did you know that your local grocery store has enough food to feed your little town for 3 days. 3 DAYS? What then???? God HAS promised to provide for our every need, but sometimes I think people use that to allow them too many liberties. God has also provided us with a brain. That's like saying that savings accounts aren't necessary. I think every Christian thinks it's wise to have a savings account for emergencies, or just for the future. Or like those people who don't believe in life insurance. OH.MY.WORD. Don't even get me started. Did you know that THE BIBLE says in 1 Timothy 5:8 that if a man doesn't provide for his own household, he's worse than an infidel???? But what about food? Diapers? Water? And can I even go as far as to say guns and ammunition? Sorry bambi lovers, I was raised in a squirrel-eating-deer-hunting family. :) Even if it's just to protect your family. I mean, would you keep your life's savings in your mailbox? No, you keep it in the bank to protect it. Doesn't it make sense to keep a gun in the house to protect your family? I told you I was inviting controversy. :) Okay, guns and ammo aside, do you think our country is headed for economic collapse? Do you think we need to be stockpiling supplies? PLEASE share your thoughts! There are certain things that I'm totally open to. Guns? Not so much. I think that's a necessity. Life insurance? Sorry, that's another one that I'm not budging on. It is absolutely insane to me how so many men have $20K in a life insurance plan somewhere. Let me ring your pretty little neck and tell you that it won't even cover the cost of your funeral. Do you want your wife to have to ask the bank for a LOAN just to get you in the ground??? AGH! Okay, I've got to get off this subject. ANYWAY, the point is, do you feel it's right to protect your home and family with a gun? Do you think it's okay to have a savings account in case your husband losses his job? Do you think it's okay to store some extra food on a shelf in your basement? I think we have such extreme double-standards sometimes. It's smart to be saving for retirement, but you're not trusting God if you have 5 boxes of rigatoni on a shelf in your garage. Okay, I've said enough. You're turn! :)
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Meg -
ReplyDeleteYou've raised some good questions that all of us struggle with no matter where we are in life. God tells us to look at the ants...they harvest and store up....He COMMANDED Joseph to store 7 years worth of grain for the preservation of His people....storing/saving/preparing is in NO way wrong or sinful in the eyes of God!!! The trouble starts when you begin to "believe" that you will be OK because you have 5 boxes of rigatoni or xxx amount of $$$ in the bank. Very wise and godly men "suggest" that a good starting point is to save at least 3 months of living expenses for emergencies. Who is providing that??? You or God??? Well, if you believe that all you have is a gift from God...then God is providing for you through your wisdom/discernment to be prepared. As for "upgrading" your living conditions....God will ALWAYS provide our basic needs...we will never truly be without....HOWEVER, because of His great goodness and love for His children - He sometimes allows us to have "extras"! My belief on this one is that if you become a "slave to your lender" so that you are no longer able to help others in need ..... you should think long and hard about it. If it puts you in a situation where you have to scrap just to get by to meet your basic financial obligations...the stress of that will be very counter-productive to your marriage and family life. As to Guns in my house.....shoot first,ask questions later...would you or I dare have any other "conviction" about our dads "religion" :-) Have a great Day!!! Sue