My absence has been the direct result of a lack of a camera. We were thrilled and blessed to be able to purchase a new camera last week, but there is one problem. I don't feel comfortable using it yet. It's a Canon 20D and has way more buttons than our last $100 point-and-shoot. :) Therefore, I do not have pictures to share with you today, but there is an over-abundance of inspiration and ideas floating around in my head to not write something. I also feel like I have so much to fill my readers in on. My children are slowly out-growing their fear of the pool, thanks to a very generous friend who allows us to invade her beautiful backyard every Thursday afternoon. If tonight goes as planned, we will have sold a total of $850 worth of products on Craigslist this weekend alone. There is also a "For Sale" sign now in the window of our home, for which I will be contributing an entire post on how to "show your house". :) I am an expert mover. Seriously, people. You have no idea. I have moved 5 times in the past 7 years. I also want to write something about decorating for the type of house you live in. And another one on de-cluttering and simplify. See!? I told you! Too many thoughts and ideas to not write them down. We had a wonderful 4th of July. The kids survived the fireworks, and we survived staying up past 1am 3 nights in a row to get the shambles that we live in to look good enough for our trusty realtor to take pictures this morning. If you're local and know someone who is looking to buy a house, please send them our way! Or if you're looking to purchase a property as a rental investment for yourself, our home might be perfect for you! We are very ready to be out, for so many reasons. This month we'll be celebrating the fact that I have lived in the same house for 4 years in a row. :) The last time I lived somewhere for 4 years, I was only 17. Lol! OH! And another thing....I desperately want to write something about purchasing a home for your "season of life"! I have learned SO, so much. A lot of things to share with non-expert movers. :) Trying to find the time today to beg my dear sweet hubby to give me the low-down on down-loading pictures. Yes, that was on purpose. I'm a lot smarter than most people think. :) A pictures to share with you to keep you from being utterly and completely board from my ramblings...

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