Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nutrient Destroyers

I'm down another health-related road right now. I've been GF (gluten-free) for months, and many of my previous "weird" symptoms dissipated. Others still remain, though, and I was visiting my holistic doctor this morning discussing more options. I can give you more details later. I'm going to be really honest about this stuff because #1: I'm not a private person. :) And #2: for the slight possibility it will give one of you a light bulb moment to a life time of change. I am SO thankful for my doctor. She has never once sent me away with a medication. She always fires at the root of the problem, instead of masking the symptom. So today when I walked in and said "yada yada yada yada", she told me I needed a lifestyle change. My former "mainstream" practitioner would've prescribed a pill. I'm still doing my research, so I don't want to share a whole lot just yet. But I did come across this and thought it was interesting enough to share it with you. Everything we do, eat, and think has the potential to destroy nutrients in our bodies. Remember people, we are either fighting cancer, or feeding it.

Listed here are nutrient destroyers:
  • Aspirin--destroys vitamin A, calcium, potassium, B complex and C.
  • Caffeine--destroys vitamin B1, inositol and biotin, potassium and zinc and prevents calcium and iron assimilation.
  • Chlorine in water--destroys vitamin E.
  • Chocolate--contains caffeine and it is very irritating to the kidneys. High in fat, which can cause indigestion.
  • Fluoride--destroys vitamin C
  • Sleeping Pills--destroy folic acid and vitamin D.
  • Menstruation--requires extra iron, vitamin B12, calcium and magnesium.
  • Nitrates/Nitrites--Destroys vitamins A, C and E
  • Stress--Physical, emotional and mental all vitamins are depleted.
  • Sugar and white flour--destroys B vitamins.

This small article was found HERE

My very real situation now involves whether to down my daily, scheduled dose of Mountain Dew while my babies sleep, or grab the Red Raspberry tea bag I have in the cupboard. Maybe one more day of Mountain least until I've finished my research. :)

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