How often are you supposed to replenish things? I've often wondered that. I remember visiting at other family's homes growing up and seeing the mom use pea green plastic spatulas. Pea green? Isn't that a 70's color? So she has used the same spatula for 20 years? Is that normal? I love new, fresh items. At the same time, I want enough "original" stuff around to build memories upon. I feel like I've come to a bit of a cross-roads in my decorating style. My house screams traditional. Heavy. Old. Then I walk through Ikea and fall. Head over heals. There is no possible way to empty my entire house and start over. But I still thirst for modern inspiration in my own little world that is decorated until I find out what "my" style is. :) Enough with the chit chat. My mom came over to watch the kids for a few hours so I could go out. I headed straight to Ikea for 30 minutes of shopping bliss!
I bought this 3-piece set for $4.99. The large basket holds my necklaces, the middle one holds my bracelets, and the small one holds SOME of my earrings. :)
I have quite an obsession with dishes. We were given a beautiful Mikasa set as a wedding gift from my grandparents. These will be the pieces I hand down to my daughter some day. In the mean time, a girl likes to have a change of scenery while she's chowing down on the same 5 recipes, week after week. Have I mentioned I'm not all that in love with cooking? :) ANYWAY, I've had the same glass salad plates for almost 6 years now. They are the same ones my mom uses. Come to think of it, my grandmother also owns some that look fiercely familiar. I never even had to take a second to think about it when I saw some new ones today for $.99 each! I couldn't find a picture online, so you'll have to use your imagination. They are very minimalist and sleek. Nothing like what I used to have. I LOVE them!
We spent the better part of last week in a hotel in Greenville, South Carolina. It.was.heavenly. King size bed, cable tv, and the freedom to leave my wet towels on the bathroom floor for some other woman to clean up. :) Life was so simple and enjoyable. There weren't as many choices to make. The blinds were some kind of 12-way ply or something that enabled the kids to think that it was as dark as midnight at 2 in the afternoon. Like I said. Heavenly. :) I've spent quite a bit of time trying to determine why, in fact, a hotel-stay can be so enjoyable. Lots of conclusions later, I want to share one of them with you. Newer, nicer hotels don't have throw pillows. This may not seem like much, but think about it. I currently have 2 "regular" pillows on my bed and 6, yes, 6 throw pillows. I have to make sure they get put back in the correct order, on the right side, and aligned perfectly every single day. At the hotel we had 6 "regular", white-pillowcased pillows. Oh the simplicity! And comfort! They were all so efficient. And versatile. And plush! So I was on a mission for more "regular" pillows at Ikea! I bought two today. I think they were $5 or $6 each. I chose the cheapest that they had. I wasn't really impressed with their white pillowcases, so I have high hopes of hitting Target sometime this week.
I think that was about it for my purchases. Unless of course you wanted me to include the bag of swedish fish I devoured on the way home. Thankfully I "saved" 3 for my kids to enjoy when I walked in the door. So there you have it! My highly enjoyable Ikea trip was a success! And fairly inexpensive! The hubby will be proud. :)
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I am pretty sure that we are twins (clearly fraternal) separated at The decor dilemmas...the swedish fish fetish...the "what makes this hotel room so perfect" ME. AND...I even had those exact same IKEA baskets that you bought though I have since sold them at a yard sale because they lost their shape over time with being packed and repacked through moving and what not. Crack me the heck up, it's like I could be reading my own blog. Thanks for the smile today! It was a nice brightener on this dreary day. :)