Today's topic is dry brushing. The hubby and I are choosing to move forward with baby steps, because we both know that a drastic change in our lifestyle will only result in feeling deprived. So, peeing on a strip of paper was about the easiest thing we could do. Dry brushing is the next easiest. :) Had a great morning at church, came home to cook lunch and eat, the kidlets laid down for naps, and I scooted myself out the door for yet another trip to the health food store. is what I purchased! Pretty nifty, eh? For a mere $7.99 I can improve circulation, release toxins, and give the lymphatic system a huge kick in the rear. Here's how you do it: always always always start with the soles of your feet. Start brushing away, all the while moving to the top of your feet, up to your ankles, up your legs, then to your hips. Then you can start on your hands, up your arms, and back. ALWAYS brush in the direction of your heart. And if you brush your stomach, they say to do it in a counter-clockwise rotation. I've read other websites that have stated clockwise, but the most "legit" ones say counter-clockwise. Keep the brush dry, and only brush on dry skin. If you brush on wet or damp skin (leaving out the word "moist", because it creeps my husband out! :) ) it will stretch the skin and not be as affective. They suggest doing it before hopping in the shower. Once you are done brushing, you will more than likely be left with very flaky skin which you will then want to wash off. Also, don't share brushes. That's just gross. :P Your brush will be full of dead skin, so once a week or so you can wash it with mild soap and water. Leave it out to fully dry, or be stuck with a mildewed brush! :) Need more motivation to dry brush? The skin is the body's largest organ. The skin is also where we get rid of a 1/4 of our body's toxins each day. This blog is all about detoxifying and oxygenating our cells, so, why not? Just a few minutes each morning before you hop in the shower. Need one more reason? Dry brushing can GREATLY decrease cellulite. Convinced yet? I thought so. So start brushing, people! Your skin will thank you for it! :)
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