A few pictures from my weekend.....
Hoping this produce will last us the week.

We now have 3 family members on the Green Lemonade plan :)

Our morning vitamin! So delicious, filling and refreshing. I can't even tell you!

Yes, you are actually looking at 4 bags of romaine lettuce. Each bag contains 2 heads. We eat 1 head a day, so we needed 7 heads for the week. Crazy ridiculous.

I was able to go out ALL BY MYSELF on Saturday morning to do the produce "run". Thoroughly enjoyed myself. It's not every day, or every week for that matter, that I am able to get out of the house without the rest of the family. Love them to death, but also crave the quiet drives when I have control of the radio and have the freedom of not having to lift and buckle 3 other people. :) I was reading one day during the kid's nap about a way to ease yourself into being a raw foodist. I have no desire to ever be 100% raw, only because I love food WAY too much. And for other reasons pertaining to the fact that I think my younger, very trendy sister would frown upon my adapting to the "raw" lifestyle and fashion sense of wool socks and Birkenstocks. :) Love you dear sister, and appreciate you accepting (maybe with an eye roll!) our very weird lifestyle! :) So ANYWAY, back to my new challenge. We've been downing Green Lemonade for 4 days. I can't even tell you the changes that have taken place. First, we adapted the recipe slightly so drinking it would be more enjoyable. Our lemons happened to be HUGE this week, and the lemon flavor of the drink was too strong for me to handle. To remedy the situation, we've been only using half of a lemon. This helped tons, and we also now add a few strawberries for sweetness. Guess what?! DELICIOUS! Even have the 3 year old in love with it. He calls it Dinosaur Juice and says that he can run really fast after drinking it. :) The hubby gets the ingredients, cuts them up, juices, and serves the drinks every morning. Pretty nice, huh? I get to wash the juicer. :P Now, here's my goal for the week: go raw from 12:00 midnight until noon the next day. Midnight won't be the problem. I'm normally not thinking about food at that time. Too busy nursing her, comforting him after a scary dream, helping someone to the potty, cuddling, or SLEEPING. Breakfast is the green juice, and then I can have all the raw fruit that I want until noon. I tried it one day last week, and found myself literally watching the clock from about 11:15 on. :) Because of my past issues with low blood sugar, and the extra calories required while breastfeeding, I just really need to stay on top of the amount of water I'm drinking as well as how much fruit I'm eating. I try to eat another serving every hour. It seems to be enough to keep my sugar levels up. After noon you are allowed to eat pretty much anything you want. They suggest you have a big salad with dinner. Going to try that as well. So that means I'm not snacking on leftover cookies all morning. I haven't had anything with "bad" sugar, so I'm not craving more "bad" sugar by the afternoon. And 50% of my day is strictly raw. It's easy if we decide to go out for the evening. I'm not restricted to a special diet at that time. And most mornings I make a huge effort to stay home so the baby can nap and I can do school with the boys. This is what fits my life for right now. And this is something that will take some self-discipine, but not extreme sacrifices. We are continuing to skin brush every day. And we have both seen positive physical changes! Before I go, I have to say a huge "thank you" to the many many comments I've gotten about the blog. I had NO idea so many people would be reading it, let alone enjoying it. You are encouraging to me! Thank you. Here's to the start of another week! :)
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