Here's my big, obnoxious, obvious announcement: we lost the home we were in the process of purchasing. It's a LONG, very personal story. I will share some things....later. :) Too much for me to comprehend right now. We are fine. We are content. But I am mourning the idea of unpacking the 20-some boxes in the basement. So I am grabbing a mountain dew, because I have nothing stronger in the whole house. :) I can't even chug cough medicine, because we don't have any! Holistic, natural health, remember? And so I am choosing to ignore the obvious, and just sit and day dream while my babies are nestled in their beds, taking what I hope to be a very lllooonnnggg drawn out nap. :) My day dreaming consists of this....

Feel free to also visit today, because she has done an entire post about it. Here's to ignoring the obvious, even if only for a couple of minutes! :)
Hey Megan, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost the house! God has something so much better for you guys! He ALWAYS does :)
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ReplyDeleteSorry Megan, didn't realize my comment posted itself twice!
ReplyDeleteColossians 3
ReplyDeleteRules for Holy Living
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Our church did this amazing serious entitled: More than guys should listen to a podcast if you get a's based on the book the WHole in the Gospel and was very challenging in it's messages!!! It's so hard not to get wrapped up in earthly dreams...whenever we have "something" we want more of that whenever we are blessed with a little taste we want more because we tasted and it was sweet....sometimes Megan, God protects our hearts from longing after the "things" of the earth too reminding us of how truly blessed we are in the "here and now" and by reminding us of the "least of these" among us who have not even bread for their aching tummy's and yet we get so caught up on the "things" that others have or that we've "dreamt" about that we can so easily lose sight of that..... I know bc when we dreamt of moving a few months ago and had our offer accepted and then our "dreams" shattered in the same way yours have now been, we know its a long hard raod to see others around you having the "home of your dreams" and know that you're not quite "living the dream" in all ways yet....but maybe instead of being sad or depressed about that, maybe God wants us to REJOICE in fact I KNOW He does because He wants us to Romans 12:11-13 (New International Version)
11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
but yeah....anyway, just thought I'd encourage you to set your sights on things above and just continue growing in the Lord:) He does grant us the "desires of our hearts" but sometimes too, our desires have to come in line with His ;) (Not a fun lesson, I know, I've been there and I'm not saying for sure that's a lesson you need to "learn" but it's always a good reminder too I think when we go through our "hopes/dreams" being dashed to look at it in a positive, growthin inspiring light) Ya know:) I hope this does not offend you at all because my intention is merely to encourage and love and let you know I have been there too, hopes dashed, heart broken, confused and sad....but He is big enough to carry all that for us and He is big enough to reveal more of Himself to us through that and lead us closer to His heart:) Hope you're healing today:)