Jennifer from tagged me in a super fun questionaire! Okay, so it was supposed to be super fun until I started thinking about all of my answers.... Hm. Good time to be very careful about the words that I choose! So here goes! I have to list 12 likes, 1 love, and 8 hates.
Discovering character traits in my babies that they got from me.
The effects of caffeine.
A good foot rub from my one and only.
Friends who are willing to open up and cry with you.
Wide open spaces.
Enormous SUVs.
Ripped jeans and white t-shirts.
The way he doesn't mind my cold feet in bed.
Long hair in a pony tail.
The way my kids beg for me to sing old hymns in the car.
Dirty r&b songs. ;)
Momma's who put their husbands first.
1 Love:
My Savior's love for me
8 Hates:
Sense of entitlements.
Women who don't respect their husbands.
Husbands who hear too many "excuses" in bed.
Those who believe getting pregnant before you are married is more of a "sin" than the extra 80 pounds of fat that they are carting around on their hips.
Hard-boiled eggs.
There you have it! Hope you enjoyed it. I had fun wearing my heart on my sleeve for a few minutes. :) We are in a hotel near Springfield, CT and all 3 kiddos are napping. My hubby is 10 minutes away at a convention. I have my laptop, cable tv, and caffeine waiting! :)
LOL - I should always know to expect something...completely unexpected from you. ;) Oh and by the way, I tagged you from I'm still with A Fine Romance just decided to add an extra blog for fun. ;) BTW, as someone who did get prego before I got married, I thank you for the one about that. And as for "women who don't respect their husband's" - ouch...that one hits below the belt a little b/c I know that I am guilty OFTEN of that. My situation is not the norm, no, but isn't right...just another thing that I need to turn over to the Lord along with the other 5 bagillion 4 trillion 2 billon 998 million things... ;) Thanks for doing this Megan! I thought that it was a fun tag. :)