Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our new favorite thing...

Wow, okay the comments from yesterday were just overwhelming! Whether you commented on the blog or sent me a message...thank you! It was SO encouraging to hear from everyone, whether you knew him or not. This week is always hard because not only is it the birthday, but we now have Father's Day right around the corner! :) Better to get them both over with though, I guess. I'd love to write you all back individually, and I'm actually going to try to do this. But until then....
I purchased this magnetic chore chart at a homeschool convention in Connecticut over the weekend! We are huge fans of Melissa and Doug, and also have their magnetic wall calendar for kids. You get to choose from their wide array of "chores" such as "Stop Whining", "Clean Room", "Brush Teeth", "Share a Toy", "Unload the Dishwasher", and "Take a Bath". There is a column for each day of the week, and fun little magnetic smiley faces to put on the board after you've completed your chore. My oldest (4 years old) literally BEGS to have jobs to do now. All I have to say is "If you go make your bed, I'll give you a magnet!" My husband also had the brainy idea to take away magnets from children who are showing unusually high levels of disobedience. :) :) :) This works wonders. At this point in our lives, because we have multiple children who are very young, it's more of a new toy to play with then an organized, structured chart that stays hung on the wall. But at least they are having fun doing chores! :)

I also wanted to mention something from my post filled with all of the things that I hate. I don't want anyone assuming that just because I hate something, doesn't mean I don't struggle with it. I am over-weight, disrespect my husband, and on more than one occasion have stated "I'm so tired I can't even move" after the lights were turned off at night. :) You are allowed to despise your own sin, right? Also, an interesting question came up the other day, and I'd love to get more opinions. How much weight is too much? Is being 5 pounds over weight a sin? Or is it only a sin after you've gotten 50 pounds too far? Hm...let me know what you all think. Curious! :)


  1. Really doesn't the Bible talk about gluttony.. No where does it actually talk about your size or weight. Really a skinny person could be a glutton. Gluttony is overeating in excess.. What do you think..

  2. I believe that God gives us the Holy Spirit for reasons such as this. There is not ONE answer or ONE number that will answer this question for everyone. If you sit down to eat a huge fattening dessert and your conscience is screaming "I shouldn't be eating this b/c I am overweight." Then I believe you have violated the Holy Spirit and it is wrong to indulge. If you sit down to a fattening dessert knowing that you usually take care of your body and health and want a little special treat, then by all means INDULGE! : ) There is a line within us that we all know about. I believe as a Christian that it is common to supress the Holy Spirit in our everday lives. If we are in communion with God, then the Holy Spirit will guide us with even the most mundane situations of life - including what we eat, if we exercise, what our weight is, etc... Listening to the Holy Spirit doesn't always equal being skinny either!!! Everyone is built and created differently and only God knows if we are being obedient in the weight department. To each his own....

    Hope that didn't sound "holier than thou" b/c I wouldn't want to be on your hate list!! LOL : )

    Read your blog yesterday and was flooded with memories of your dad. Such a wonderful man. I shared your blog with my parents and my husband. I know my daddy misses your daddy! Thanks for the reminder of what a wonderful example he was.

  3. I agree with Robyn - the "sin" is not in being heavier than what society deems as "skinny or thin" - the sin is in being gluttonous.

  4. Megan, I do not think that 5 pounds is terrible overweight. I have gained 20 pounds over the past three years and have been struggling to get it off. So I do not think that 5 pounds is extremely over weight. I'm also with you on struggling to lose weight-no matter what amount.
