Monday, February 15, 2010
May I introduce you???
I'd love to take the time tonight to introduce you to some of my friends. And when I say "friends", I of course mean blogs. :) What wonderful friendships I have. They never get offended with my opinion of their posts, and they are always sitting there, waiting for me when I should get the inkling to share an afternoon with them. I had absolutely NO idea how large the blogging world was. Now it's the outlet that I turn to if I have some down time (what is that!?) and lack the energy to be creative. If you flip through cable channels when exhaustion hits and you have 20 minutes to zone out, I blog. It has the same effect. You should try it sometime. :) I have had to learn some MAJOR self control though. It was just too easy to leave the laptop on the couch, waiting for me to perform one more click while looking through a book with the boys, nursing, or waiting for the hubby to get home from work. Now the computer stays upstairs so that it's not as easily accessible, and can only be given attention when the kids are asleep. I first fell in love with Ann. And you know what? I have no idea how I found her. :) Can't remember. But I have relied on her for quiet comfort.....simplicity, contentment, and a whole lotta soul searching. I would read a quick post before bed, knowing that the soothing tune behind her writings along with her words would grant me rest. But sometimes a girl needs something lighter. Actually, I very often need something lighter. This is why I enjoy Darby. She is fun fun FUN. The baking, the cooking, the sense of humor, the no-makeup-and-sweats -because-that's-how-a-crafty-mom-of-3 has to roll sometimes kind of "friend" that just makes you want to stay at home and create something beautiful out of nothing. I met Erika through Darby. They are twin sisters! She, unfortunately, does not blog every day the way that stalkers like me are holding our breaths for, but just take a look at her design website and drool over her work. A-STOUND-ING. :) I also met Edie through Darby. I think. :) It's all getting a bit fuzzy now. And I really hope you are appreciating all the work I am doing tonight in pulling you into my circle of friends. :) Edie is SOOOOO not like me. She was a doctor. Yes, a real doctor. The kind that I blog against. And she's funky, and quirky, and homeschools in her garage. But she is heart-felt, and throws a good mix into the group. My new f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e: The Nester. She is just amazing. In fact, just thinking about her and her tremendous blog makes me want to gather the fabric for our bedroom curtains and start sewing at 10:20pm. So much inspiration, and motivation! You don't have to sew to love her! She does entire drapery panels and valences with a hot-glue gun! See!? I knew you'd be impressed. And I'd love to add two more: Jen and Shyla. These are "real life" friends. :) Yeah, I have those too. These women are real, as in because of their lifestyles and their Faith, I can tell you they aren't faking it. :) Okay, there are more, but that's enough to keep you busy for awhile. Oh dear me, I may need to add one more. This gal has 4 boys and twin baby girls. She homeschools the boys and breastfeeds both girls at the same time. They are the organic/only wash your hair every 10 days type of family, and OH so loved. Thank you, to whomever introduced me to her. :) She does bring on a sense of guilt though. Especially remembering the juice box I gave to each boy this afternoon for part of their snack. :( But she's an inspiration, and I have learned oh-so-much from her. Alrighty, loved readers. Are any of my friends, yours? Or maybe I've introduced you to someone you have an instant connection with? Let me know! I'd love to hear who your friends are, but I am concerned that if I fall head-over-heals with too many more, the house will surely go to ruin. Also, I'm dealing with something tonight. I will share more later, but for now, I'd love to leave you with these words that are comforting my heart right now. This is from my Friend. You know, the One. "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94:19
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Aw...what a lovely surprise! Thanks for the "shout out" Megan! You rock girl! ;)