I have been in shell shock awe at what Brittany feeds her family. I'm reading post after post of hummus and veggies and beans and no apple juice and beans and veggies and beans and veggies and did I mention beans??? I mean, I had put myself up on this high and mighty shelf for what!? One glass of freakin' Green Lemonade!?! Meanwhile my youngin's are stuffing their faces with chicken nuggets and "Dino Snacks" from Aldi's! Good grief. So, I was on a mission this week: try some of Brittany's recipes! I was nervous because, for one, I am much more of a "why waste time to figure out a new meal when you can just down a bowl of cereal in 4 minutes" kind of a girl. And for reason #2: who in their right mind would attempt to learn a new recipe at 4:30pm when the children have just woken from their naps and are miserable? Not me. We woke this morning, completely expecting 10 inches of snow. Instead we saw 4. So Seth got dressed and headed to work. Little did he know that NO ONE else showed up at the office today, so he put in a few hours of hard labor and headed back home to us. This meant he was going to be home for lunch. This also meant I had a chance to try a new recipe! We had to trick the boys into what they were being served, because we tend to get very different reactions according to what "terms" we use. "Lunch is ready, boys!" is quickly followed by "ohhhhhhh mommmmmmmm. I don't want to eat lunch. I just want a snack!" Whereas if we say "Snack plates are ready, boys!!!!" it's a quick "Caden! Hurry! Mom made us snack plates!!!" {insert evil, motherly laugh} It doesn't even matter what is on their "snack plate". As long as we call it a "snack plate" and not lunch or dinner, it's eaten! So, Seth and I had veggie fajitas for lunch. The boys had snack plates. :) You can find Brittany's recipe on her blog. Here's how I followed it:
Heat up one can of refried beans. (warning: it totally looks like dog food)
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