Thursday, February 4, 2010
I am disappointed. We are still brushing our skin. We are still downing large glasses of bright green concoctions. But, sadly, that is it! :( And I feel HORRIBLE. Not in a guilty way, but in an emotional, tired, cranky way. I thought I knew better. Apparently not. I have occasionally added a bowl of cereal to my morning meal, and my entire afternoon now consists of Pop-tarts and Dove Valentine chocolates to boot! :( But I've learned something in the midst of all of this. If I am dehydrated, even slightly, my sugar cravings get out of control. On the days when I remained raw until noon as well as guzzled multiple glasses of water, I got to my normal nap-time snack-time with no real "need" for something sweet. But if I even so much as risk it with an apple juice "chaser" after the green lemonade, I am IN FOR IT. Hm. Go figure. This is also the reason the blogging has suffered. I felt since I had no new astonishing revelation to share, then I didn't have a reason to write. But that would be boring! This is not supposed to be blog after blog of scientific health information. This is my real life account of what's going on in our home and in my body. So, thus the writing has continued. And as a side note, I have fallen in love with crafting. This is huge for me because I have NEVER "crafted" for fear it would leave the kitchen table a disaster. My mother sewed ALOT while I was growing up. We always had a new custom Christmas dress, Easter dress (unless Gran took us all to Donackers and bought exquisitely expensive tulle layered "heiress" dresses, which happened on more than one occasion), curtains, quilts, dolls, etc. etc. And with each of these memories also comes the memories of fabric scraps and thread "crumbs". I knew there was NO way I would be able to put up with that in my house, so I refrained from entertaining the thought. That is until I started seeing pictures of baby girl dresses with ruffles and monograms and started getting visuals of my own daughter's Easter dress with coordinating ties for her brothers. And I also never realized how using this as a creative outlet is almost therapeutic. I had a relatively stressful day earlier this week and ended up constructing hair bow after hair bow until my poor dear soul was content. You know you've done way too many bows when your thumb is still sore the next morning from flicking the lighter. :) But I was happy and content. So if you are still reading and haven't been distracted by my rabbit trail, then I will quickly share my latest "gold mine" of a book. It's by Suzanne Summers. She is someone who I really had no clue about. "Three's Company" was way before my time. :) My mom suggested this be my next "read", and I was lucky to have found a few at the library. This blog's follow up will be title, picture, and info about the book. Enjoying it so far. Who knew such a blondie could pack such a healthy punch!? Did you know she works 6 hours (yes 6 HOURS) every single day in her backyard garden? The dishes are done. The house is quiet. Please excuse me while I go read. :)
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we all slip backwards once in a while. i hurt myself working out earlier this week and it's sort of led me to eat crappy. not as bad as i used to, but bad enough that i feel "not right." tomorrow is a new day!