Saturday, March 6, 2010

Have I mentioned....

that my husband is an artist? Who would've guessed, huh? Certainly not me. He was soooooo "not my type". :) We joke that it was a good thing we didn't know each other in high school because we never would have been friends. God knows what He's doing! We never met until right before his junior year in college. We dated for 8 months, then were engaged for 8 months, then were married for 8 months, then were "expecting" for 8 months, then got used to baby #1 for 8 months, then were expecting baby #2 for 8 months, then learned to handle 2 for 6 months before we found out #3 was on her way! Whew! (this would be a great time to mention that #3 is now 15 months old!) :) Anyway, I married an artist. This means I have put up with oil paint on dress shirts, pants, linoleum, and carpet. This also means that I have the luxury of saying "hey babe, I really like this painting, but I'm not a huge fan of the $400 price tag. you think you can get something done tonight???" He has done things for gifts, commission work, and me. I know that I have only scratched the surface of my unappreciative attitude. I used to think that an "art major" was a waste of time. I mean, come on, haven't you ever heard the phrase "starving artist"????? And wouldn't that be the same as majoring in, say, scrap-booking??? My most sincere apologies to all those devoted scrap-bookers out there. :) But I'm coming around, and am now completely okay when he says he just needs to go to the garage to paint. He always comes back in calm, relaxed, and in a really good mood. That's where he's been tonight. Who knows, maybe he'll be in the mood for a foot rub after all this "art time". Me being the recipient, of course. :)

He did this 3-dimensional painting for me a few years ago. This is exactly what our first piano looked like.
my oldest son's art work. when asked why he did it, he said he wanted to be "just like mommy". hm, think this boy needs a day in the woods with his father.
He did this entire painting, start to finish, tonight in our garage. It took him 1 hour.
And this one was done a few days ago, which he made.....
out of this. this is also a 3-dimensional painting.
I am pretty proud. :)


  1. Megan...someday, I'd love to get to know "the real you"...I guess I have this illusion of you that you are very quiet...kinda artsy...and I don't know. It surprises me that you weren't immediately drawn to an artist, I guess. I guess what I am saying is that it seems to me like it'd be right up your alley... I guess not so, huh? I know what it's like to be married to someone COMPLETELY opposite of you. My husband and I? TOTAL ying and yang. We are POLAR OPPOSITES. If we were magnets, I'm pretty sure we would never stick to each other. And like you said, if we knew each other in high school, we would definitely never have been friends. God is funny that way, isn't he? I keep waiting for the punch line. ;) I'm sure that I'll get it someday. :)

  2. OH...P.S. I am IN LOVE with that piano's incredible! Seth is extremely talented. :)
