So "the man" and I have been car shopping. So fun! And so not. :( We find all of these "wonderful. amazing. just the right size. this is the one!" vehicles on the internet, then take a nice (hour away) drive to the dealership only to be disappointed. This is the "not fun" part. Add 3 kids ages 1, 2, and 3 and it becomes almost torturous. We have not made a decision yet. We thought we had, and were even willing to drive to Maryland (3 hours away!) for "my dream car" (actually no, it was just my dream color. I care more about the color than anything else!) when we test drove one that was local and HATED it. It was all loud, and bumpy, and truck-ish. Not to mention the fact that it only got 9 miles a gallon. I don't really care about that, because I would be just as content sitting at home peering through the window at my super cute suv than driving it all over God's creation, but he thought otherwise (my man, that is. not God ) So here starts the search again. I want it big, but jeez louise, we test drove one that I literally could not see over the dash board. HELLO!? Where is the road!?! I'd seriously need one of those kid booster seats or something. Sooooo not the look that I'm going for. :) One thing is certain, though, I care ALOT about the interior. That's probably a sign for how I care more about what's on the inside of people, than how they look on the outside. Okay, probably not. If you walked past me in Target with a baggy t-shirt and greasy hair I would totally hold my breath and walk the other way. Just keepin' it real, folks. :) ANYWAY, I am now in love.....with.....wood grain! Oh my lands, it is just the most beautiful thing in a vehicle. Seth is all worried about what kind of wheels it has. I'm thinking, "wheels???? um, don't they all have those???" Meanwhile I am quietly hyperventilating at the freakin' wood grain. Here's a drool worthy picture.....

Megan...oh you girl after my own heart you...I also very much love wood grain...had it in my first two cars - pre marriage to a spending nazi ;) and pre kidlets. I don't have it now but I do have leather seats and a sunroof along with a fabulous little DVD player (aka savior) that make up for it. ;) Good luck in your car search! Hope that you find "the one" soon... :)