Today was dreary and rainy. I loved it. :) It always make me extremely giddy and energetic. My husband... not so much. That's one of the many, many, many ways that we are different. Here's just a glimpse at a day in our life...
The boys said they were making lunch. Their race cars are in the toaster oven. It occupied them for a good 30 minutes. There's few things better than the sound of brothers playing sweetly with each other.

This little lady has been miserable. She has a little bit of a cold, but I think it's her teeth that are making her fussy. She went from this....

to this in about 45 seconds. Typical girl. :)

With a casein free/egg free child in the house, and now a gluten free momma, there are few tasty treats that we can all enjoy. This chocolate chip cookie mix is insanely expensive, but we still purchase it every once in a while. Rainy days are good for things like this.

This is the casein free/egg free child who still chose a pretzel after taking one bite of the cookie. :( Oh well. I tried!

What do your kids eat for lunch? This was their lunch today. Raisins, peanuts, and carrot sticks. Is that weird? Maybe normal?

Daddy came home from work so that we could all pile in the van and vote for Sam Rohrer for Governor! These are the voter-assistants who were cheering for Jackson, Owen, and Olivia's grandpa!

The happy voters. :)

Dinner tonight. Teriyaki pork roast with potatoes and carrots. One of the best dinners I have ever made. It's egg free, casein free, gluten free, and delicious! I'll post the recipe later.

Today is my grandfather's 85th birthday. His mother sailed the seas here from Poland. He has experienced wars, almost getting burned alive when a terrible accident happened at the glass factory he worked at, months of living at the hospital from his injuries, having almost his entire body skin grafted, raising 4 sons, losing a daughter, watching his wife suffer and die from breast cancer, hearing the words that his own son (my dad) had been killed in a plane crash, and watching 21 great-grand children be added to this family. He is a hero, and doesn't even know it. Happy birthday, Poppop!