A few posts ago I wrote about all things white, chipped and shabby. Remember that? We've been seriously talking about moving again (surprise, surprise) and I was bound and determined to have a completely different looking house the next time around. But then it suddenly occured to me that maybe "he" didn't want to sit on white linen ruffles. What if he doesn't want creamy chandeliers and soft grey walls? Hm. What's a girl to do? So I asked. Guess what? I got the exact answer I was expecting. His vision of our next home...

Lola B's

Lola B's

Lola B's

Lola B's
Now I have to figure out how to make these two worlds collide! Or just go with his vision, with hopes that he'll let me pick out the chicken coop. :)
Maybe a white chicken coop with some linen ruffles?? Paisley's room?? I love the white thing!!